
« Be the change you want to see in the world. »

Mahatma Gandhi

It’s a pleasure to welcome you to my site and I hope we’ll get to know each other soon. If you have reached this page, it means you would like to find out a little more about me. So without further ado, let me tell you about myself, my principles, and my motivations in life and work. See you soon!

The person

Kristel Klein

I’ve been a freelance Italian translator since January 2014. Born to French parents and raised in the enchanting Dolomites of Trentino (which I admit I often miss), in 2015 – after 9 years living in Bologna – I moved to Barcelona, a multicultural city which first captured my heart as an Erasmus student in 2008 and has enchanted me ever since.

More recently, however, the desire to live in the mountains again, in a peaceful and natural environment, is becoming stronger. There is no doubt in my mind that, one day, I will leave the city to reconnect with nature.

My passions include, of course, nature in all its forms, as well as sport, foreign languages, music, piano, food, cooking and natural nutrition, IT, technology and personal growth, to mention just a few.

Alongside my work as a translator for sustainability, climate and social justice, health and wellness, I volunteer on ecology and degrowth activism projects, as a member of the Italian degrowth movement (MDF). I am also a restarter (volunteer fixer) for Restarters Barcelona, an association that works within the Restart Project to tackle planned obsolescence (contributing to the reduction of electronic waste) and to encourage people to improve their relationship with the appliances and technological devices they own.

Over the last few years, I’ve become increasingly interested in nutrition as a cornerstone of wellness and health. Driven by some long-term symptoms which I had struggled to treat with tangible results through conventional medicine, I began eagerly investigating them for myself. I was highly motivated to discover the cause of my troubles and how they could be resolved naturally. Through this study, I gradually started to understand how crucial nutrition and lifestyle are for the state of our health and how easy it is, in our society, to undermine our well-being, as we constantly eat foods that are inflammatory and harmful. The awareness that I’ve developed on the subject over the last few years has shown me how passionate I am about this area, to the point that I’ve decided to undertake a master in Naturopathy. I am currently a student at ISMET, a natural therapies school in Barcelona.

The translator

My mission

I adore nature and everything within it, and I therefore consider sustainability and environmental protection, as well as natural nutrition and health, to be of vital importance. This has led me to decide on the direction that my work should take as a freelance translator; for me it is essential that my work aligns with my own principles and values, and allows me to contribute every day to protecting our planet and caring for our well-being.

I also believe in the importance of degrowth and the need to move towards a circular rather than linear economy. This means manufacturing products with renewal and reuse in mind, to reduce their environmental impact and keep waste to a minimum.

Having gained a greater understanding of health and nutrition, I feel the need to help those around me to acquire their own food awareness. By doing this, more and more people will be able to distinguish what is truly good or bad for their health, equipping them with the knowledge to select the foods and lifestyle that will best enable them to remain healthy and prevent illness in a natural way.

My mission, in a nutshell, is to be the change I want to see in the world and make a small contribution every day to the creation of a better world.

The spirit

My philosophy

Take care of your body, and your mind will be calmer. Take care of your mind, and your body will be healthier. Slow down the rhythm of daily life, which is so frantic nowadays that we can lose sight of who we are and what makes us happy. Cultivate patience, empathy and gratitude. Reawaken all your senses, listen, listen to yourself, feel, be aware of the richness of your surroundings: nature, scents, flavours, sounds and colours, people, emotions. Encourage silence and minimalism. Nurture positive relationships and kindly let go of negative ones. Respect and protect nature with its plant and animal life, and feel a part of it, not its master.